music player
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Comment history with karmakiller


Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments

lol cool =) enjoy your trip :D.

Posted by iGio on Oct 21, 07 9:39 pm

mine's been pretty boring. :( but next week im going to iowa! Yayyyy! corn! lol... actually i am kinda excited because ive never been there.

Posted by karmakiller on Oct 21, 07 1:38 pm

It's been great, a lot of surprises came my way.Yours?

Posted by iGio on Oct 21, 07 12:08 pm

Hahaha, I was dorkin' that day. I really don't act like that everyday... ok, well, maybe every other day. lol. hows your weekend so far?

Posted by karmakiller on Oct 20, 07 11:22 pm

Thanks :D I like your glasses =)&&shirt.

Posted by iGio on Oct 19, 07 11:39 pm

I like the shades ;) lol

Posted by karmakiller on Oct 19, 07 10:55 pm
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